Tag Archives: masturbation

To twitter or not to twitter?

I was considering the other day whether or not I should get on the band wagon (admittedly pretty late in the day/year) and get myself a twitter account so I can tweet etc.

On arriving at the twitter home page I was presented with “Top Tweets”, a scrolling thingy* of presumably the present days favorite tweets.

I felt I should share this one with you . . .

This got me thinking about how “they” define and choose a “top tweet”.  Does it have to be something about ipads? or conceivably McDonalds? or perhaps something to do with masturbation? or a mix of all three.  This reasoning however doesn’t  conform to all the top tweets selected on the day in question, leading me to presume that the selection of the above tweet for the top tweets on that  was based purely on its comical value.  This is however entirely hypothetical and so results in a waste of both my time and yours.

For those of you wondering I have decided not to tweet for the time being.

* highly technical web developing terminology – it would take to long to explain.

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